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  • Simplicity 9373 Misses' Lined Vest, Size 6-12, Cut, Vintage 1989
  • Simplicity 9373 Misses' Lined Vest, Size 6-12, Cut, Vintage 1989
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Simplicity 9373 Misses' Lined Vest, Size 6-12, Cut, Vintage 1989

Regular price $10.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $10.00 CAD
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Misses' Lined Vests With Trim Variations, Easy To Sew.  V. 1, 2 and 3 vests have back and belt cut of lining fabric.  slightly below waist length V. 1 and 2 have optional button closure.  V. 1 has mock welt pockets.  V. 2 has purchased concho trim with self fabric or ribbon ties.  Long, loose fitting V. 3 has front buttons.  boxy vest V. 4 has ribbon trim and button and chain closure. 

UNCUT = it is not used and factory fold.
CUT = has been cut and gently used.
ENVELOPES= may show storage and shelf wear with nicks and tears especially the vintage ones. I check each one to insure they are complete. Feel free to contact me with any questions about a particular pattern, I will be happy to help. The pictures are of the exact item you will be receiving.